The tank design is very important to keepsure all design reaches requirement and convenient for operators. The mud tank need consider its usable muddepending on drilling conditions and need consider its active circulation todrilling hole. The mud tank capacity will be affect by drilling depth also .Usable
mud is defined as the mud volume which can be pumped before suction is
lost. For example, a typical 20,000 f t
well will normally require a minimum active system tank volume of 1000 bbl.
The active surface system will be divided
into two parts, solids removal and addition suction. All solids removal
equipment and degassing equipment in the solids removal part the addition suction
part is designed to make fresh mud to the circulating system and provide
sufficient residence time for proper mixing to occur before being delivered to downhole. A slug tank is usually available to pump
small “pills “such as LCM or barite slugs for tripping. Each part must be
further divided into enough compartments to efficiently carry out its designed
function and circulation application.
The quantity of compartments required will depend
on the amount and type of solids removal equipment like shale shaker, desander, desilter, decanter
centrifuge and vacuum degasses system size and circulation mud flow each
compartment must have enough surface area to allow entrained air to break out
of the drilling mud. A rule of thumb for
the minimum surface area is calculated by: Area (squarest) = Maximum
Circulating Rate (GPM)/40To maximize solids suspension and usable volume, round
type tank with conical bottom is the best option for a tank, square or
rectangular shape with V bottom is the second option for mud tank, Square or
rectangular shape with a flat bottom is the last option but easier for
manufacture. The ideal tank depth is same with the tank width or diameter of
the tank. This design provides good pump suction head and is best for complete
GN builds many different type of tank with
different design; please contact us for more designs.

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