3 Phase Decanter Centrifuge for oil water separation to China ES Company

One unit of three phase decanter centrifuge is ready for delivery to China Environmental Science company for oil water separation.
The three phase decanter centrifuge working principal is as below:

The solids, oil and water with different gravity, so the generated centrifugal force is different. The solids with largest specific gravity will generate highest centrifugal force, the next is the heavy phase liquid ( water) and the light phase liquid (oil). Due to different centrifugal force, one solid layer and two liquid layer are formed. The solids to be pushed out by the screw, the liquids are separated out from their respective nozzles, the solids oil water separation can be achieved.

GN three phase decanter centrifuge is designed for oil water solids separation under 24 hours continuous working and easy operation & maintenance. The main components including centrifuge driving system, decanter bowl, screw inside the bow, centrifuge skid and VFD control panel.
The 3 phase decanter centrifuge is installed on the mud tank or on the telescopic skid with feeding pump, it has been widely used for oil sludge treatment system. The oil sludge can not be feed into the three phase decanter centrifuge directly, the sludge vacuum pump will pick up the oil sludge from waste pit to the pre-mixing tank, with chemical jetting, heating and agitating, the submersible slurry pump will suck from the pre-mixing tank to shale shaker module to separate the coarse solids and reduce solids content, the fluids discharged from shale shaker will be feed to two phase decanter centrifuge with proper chemicals for fine solids separation. The liquid treated by the 2 phase decanter centrifuge can be feed to three phase decanter centrifuge for oil water separation by adding proper chemicals.
For more information of three phase centrifuge, pls contact with GN solids control.