We have over 11 units of Hydrovac Slurry Treating System working in North America, especially in USA.
The purpose to use GN Hydrovac Slurry Treating System is to get solids and recover water, the water can reused to flush the hydrovac trucks and send to third party waste water treatment facility for further treatment, and reuse for other applications. After the first unit of Hydrovac Slurry Treating System successfully working in USA, we have got similar inquries from our customers in the same industry, we will provide customized design system for their different requirement.

What is hydrovac excavation?
Hydro Excavation is the process of removing or moving soil with pressurized water. Large volume water is required for Hydro Excavation, water recovery can save cost for the user of Hydro Excavation.
By using GN Hydrovac Slurry Treating System, the user can recovery most of fluids from discharged solids, which is environment friendly and reduce solids disposal cost.
The technical configuration is as below:
1) Slurry collection hopper modular to receive slurry from the Hydrovac truck conveniently
2) Coarse solids separation shaker modular to separate big solids from the slurry, the shaker screen is special for durable life during working.
3) Fine solids separation shaker and desilter, the 4 inch desilter cone separation cut point is 20 microns

4) Decanter centrifuge modular with chemical dosing unit
A big bowl big volume decanter centrifuge should be applied when chemical is adding into the fluids, the function is to accumulated ultra fine solids to bigger size solids, so that it will be easily separated out by centrifugal force, the max G force of GNLW553C-VFD decanter centrifuge is 2719G, max speed is 3000rpm. The separation cut point is 2~ 5 microns.
5) Mud tank to install all of the equipments on it in modular for convenient transportation.