One unit of waste pit cleaning vacuum pump and decanter centrifuge are ready for shipment to Asia client. The working process is that the solids vacuum pump suck the waste sludge from waste pit, and dilute it with water and agitating, then the slurry is feed to decanter centrifuge for dewatering process. The mechanical separation of decanter centrifuge cut point is 2~5 microns, with chemical dosing unit, the separation performance will be improved.

For the waste sludge which with high solids content and high viscosity, it can not be treated by decanter centrifuge directly due to the limit of centrifuge feeding tube. The solids content should be reduced by dilution the sludge by water in the mud mixing tank, if necessary, heating process should be applied to reduce the viscosity.
The vacuum pump main components including tank and base assembly, lifting frame, slurry pipe assembly, suction pipe assy, inlet pipe assy, intake pipe assy, control panel assy, knife gate valve, pneumatic bufferfly valve, air discharge pipe assy, etc. The user will prepare for suction hose and discharge hose according to their suction distance and discharge distance, and also need an air compressor for air supply to solids vacuum pump. For more details of air compressor, pls contact with GN solids control. The user can select automatic motion or manual motion according to the material condition. Under automatic operation mode, the timer of suction and discharge can be set as per experience, the user can adjust it according to mud density, viscosity, suction and discharge distance.

The centrifuge feeding pump is installed on the mud mixing tank and feed the mixed slurry to decanter centrifuge, the progressive cavity pump is normally used as centrifuge feeding pump, for reliable operation and easily adjustment of feed rate, which can be controlled by decanter centrifuge VFD control panel.